Submit Formal Assignments Here

How do I submit assignments?

You’ll submit all your formal assignments as part of one continuous google doc. At the start of the semester, you’ll share the doc with me, and as the semester goes on you will add more assignments to your google doc. At the end of the year you will have a record of everything you’ve done. This will make it easy for me to see what you’ve turned in, and you’ll be able to see how you’ve grown.

Make sure to set the link so anyone can edit, so I can make comments.

How do you want me to organize my google doc?

Give each assignment its own page. Put the most recent assignments at the top of the doc. Title each assignment and date it.

How will I get feedback on my assignments?

I will write directly into your google doc to give you feedback. My feedback typically follows this pattern: 1) I summarize your assignment; 2) I list what you have done well; 3) I list what you could improve.

I typically don’t give grammar feedback because I feel it is less important than other issues. But if you want specific feedback I’m not giving you, contact me, and we’ll see what we can do.

Do not delete feedback I give you on your google doc. It helps me assess how you are growing to see if you’ve fixed problems in the past.

Will you give me feedback on everything I write?

I promise to give you feedback on at least one draft of every formal assignment you turn in. I will do my best to give you feedback on pre- and post-work, but I can’t guarantee I will always get it to you.

I will not give written feedback on group assignments, but we will discuss them extensively in class so you will get plenty of verbal feedback.

If you want more feedback, get in touch with me and I’m happy to help.

How do I make sure you’ve seen my google doc?

I have created a google spreadsheet here. Write your name and paste your google doc url in the spreadsheet so I have all of your work in one place. I will read your doc the day of an assignment to make sure it is in on time.